GI4 - 065 |
Ayres, Thomas |
U Colorado - CASA |
Deep Grism Survey of the Hyades Cluster. Ii. |
Abnormal Galaxies |
99 |
GI4 - 071 |
Basu-Zych, Antara |
Columbia University |
Exploring the Relationship Between Lyman Alpha Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies Using Local Analogs |
Young Stars |
57 |
GI4 - 094 |
Bennett, Philip |
Eureka Scientific, Inc |
Imaging Co Cameron Band Structure in the Red Rectangle |
Normal Galaxies |
3 |
GI4 - 051 |
Blanton, Michael |
New York University |
Star-Formation Enhancements In Merging Galaxies |
Galaxy Groups |
0 |
GI4 - 048 |
Bothun, Gregory |
U Oregon |
Do Galaxy Disks Ever Really End? |
Galaxy Clusters |
12 |
GI4 - 085 |
Bregman, Joel |
U Michigan |
The Final State of Elliptical Galaxy Cooling Flows |
Normal Galaxies |
27 |
GI4 - 056 |
Brown, Alexander |
U Colorado - JILA |
Galex Exploration of the Kepler Field To Identify Active Stars |
Abnormal Galaxies |
90 |
GI4 - 041 |
Ganguly, Rajib |
U Michigan - Flint |
The Young Stellar Content of Post-Starburst Quasars |
Abnormal Galaxies |
GI4 - 041 |
Ganguly, Rajib |
U Wyoming |
The Young Stellar Content of Post-Starburst Quasars |
Abnormal Galaxies |
GI4 - 013 |
Gray, Richard |
Appalachian State University |
Searching For White Dwarf Companions of Barium Dwarfs |
Old Stars |
GI4 - 039 |
Harper, Graham |
U Colorado - CASA |
Archival Search For Chromospheric Activity In Ancient Cool Giants |
Solar System Objects |
0 |
GI4 - 042 |
Haynes, Martha |
Cornell University |
Star Formation In Low Mass Alfalfa Galaxies |
Galaxy Clusters |
68 |
GI4 - 060 |
Holberg, Jay |
U Arizona |
An Independent Evaluation of the GALEX Photometric Calibration |
Abnormal Galaxies |
0 |
GI4 - 015 |
Hunter, Deidre |
Lowell Observatory |
Star Formation in the Extreme Outer Parts of Dwarf Galaxies |
Old Stars |
45 |
GI4 - 016 |
Hunter, Deidre |
Lowell Observatory |
Tracing Star Formation In Little Things |
Old Stars |
16.5 |
GI4 - 033 |
Keeney, Brian |
U Colorado - CASA |
Determining the Evolution of A Fading Dwarf Galaxy |
Old Stars |
1.5 |
GI4 - 095 |
Lee, Janice |
Carnegie Observatories |
Completing the 11Hugs GALEX Cycle 1 Legacy Program |
Stellar Populations |
70.5 |
GI4 - 057 |
Malkan, Matthew |
Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation and Accretion Power in the Akari Nep Deep Field |
Abnormal Galaxies |
85 |
GI4 - 006 |
Morgenthaler, Jeffrey |
Planetary Science Institute |
Galex Observation of Comet Machholz |
Young Stars |
0 |
GI4 - 052 |
Mulchaey, John |
Carnegie Observatories |
A GALEX Survey of A Representative Sample of Galaxy Groups |
Galaxy Groups |
35.2 |
GI4 - 020 |
Ofek/Galyam, Eran |
UV Spectroscopy of Nearby Supernovae - the Key To Understanding High Redshift Star and Galaxy Formation |
Old Stars |
GI4 - 073 |
RauKulkarni, Shrinivas |
Uncovering New Ultra-Compact Binaries in the Medium Imaging Survey |
Normal Galaxies |
GI4 - 040 |
Roming, Peter |
Penn State University |
Establishing Faint UV Standards |
ISM, IGM, Outflows, Winds, Jets |
0 |
GI4 - 008 |
Rosenberg, Jessica |
George Mason University |
Blowing Bubbles: Uv, Optical, and Infrared Probes of Star-Formation In Dwarf Galaxies |
Young Stars |
55.5 |
GI4 - 099 |
Schiavon, Ricardo |
Gemini Observatory |
UV Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters |
Stellar Populations |
GI4 - 091 |
Seibert, Mark |
Carnegie Observatories |
The GALEX Large Galaxy Atlas (Glga) |
Normal Galaxies |
0 |
GI4 - 012 |
Sembach, Kenneth |
ST ScI |
How Are the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium and Galaxies Related? |
Old Stars |
120 |
GI4 - 081 |
Seon/Rau, Kwang-II |
UC Berkeley |
Dust Scattering In UV and Halpha Radiation From High-Latitude Clouds |
Normal Galaxies |
0 |
GI4 - 090 |
Smith, Graham |
University of Birmingham |
A Joint GALEX/Lensing Survey -- Exploring the Connection Between Hierarchical Assembly and Quenched Star Formation |
Normal Galaxies |
111 |
GI4 - 098 |
Smith, Russell |
University of Birmingham |
Calibrating UV Galaxy Colours Against Accurate Spectroscopic Age and Metallicity Measurements |
Stellar Populations |
GI4 - 019 |
Szkody, Paula |
U Washington |
Parameterizing the UV Flux In Larps |
Old Stars |
33 |
GI4 - 043 |
Szkody, Paula |
U Washington |
The Pulsating, Accreting White Dwarf In Gw Lib After Outburst |
Galaxy Clusters |
9 |
GI4 - 002 |
Tripp, Todd |
U Massachusetts |
A Deep Search For Star Formation In Low-Redshift Intergalactic Gas Clouds |
ISM, IGM, Outflows, Winds, Jets |
15 |
GI4 - 001 |
van Gorkom, Jacqueline |
Columbia University |
UV Imaging of Galaxy Clusters At Z=0.2, Abell 963 and 2192 |
Deep Fields, Clusters, and AGN |
60 |
GI4 - 053 |
Zaritsky, Dennis |
U Arizona |
Galaxy Evolution In Progress |
Galaxy Groups |
30 |