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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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XRS-2 PhotosBuilding the insert →The FEA Fully Integrated

The gold-plated FEA innards seem to float in the black circle of the outer FEA cylinder (because the inner sides of that cylinder are painted black).  A mass of wires and tubes surrounds the tableau. (133K JPEG)

And it fits perfectly (of course)! Here's the FEA integrated into the helium insert. You can see the silvery blocking filter (to let X-rays through but stop visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light) in the middle. Beside the filter are the two calibration source holders (only one of which is used). Further out are four of the twelve pairs of Kevlar strands which support the internal 60 millikelvin area from the warmer area outside. Around the outer part of the image is some of the plumbing and wiring for the insert.

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