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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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XRS-2 PhotosLTTO and Launch →The Big Red Button

The image of a control panel on a computer screen is dominated by the large red button labeled 'SHUT DOWN VALVE' (47K JPEG)

The internal valves inside the XRS helium insert use superconducting wiring, both in the valve motors themselves and in the leads that connect them to the outside. If the wires get hot when we're operating the valves, they will stop superconducting, leading to heating from the current flowing in them, which will increase the resistance further, causing more heating, et cetera, until they vaporize. That would be Very Bad™.

So we have a fancy system to detect this situation and immediately shut down the valve if it occurs. It also has a manual shutdown button, which was designed with an understanding of Fitts' Law.

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