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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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XRS-2 PhotosLaunch preparations →From Amundsen/Scott to Astro-E2

Flakes of snow and fog slightly blur the image of a parka-clad person with fist raised high, holding a 'Good Luck Astro-E2'; sign in the other hand, directly in front of the sign declaring 'Geographic South Pole' (64K JPEG)

Look, they're wishing us luck from way way down under! One of the engineers decided that testing boards for the CAP just wasn't exciting enough, so she moved to the South Pole for a year. It's the middle of the night there now, but she got up just the same, to send warm wishes from a very cold place to a very cold detector in a very warm part of Japan!

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